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Heys are 86!

Heys are 86!

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9th February marks the 86th Anniversary of our formation

Happy birthday HEYS!

The Club was formed 86 years ago today on the 9th February 1938.

Music master Elgar Lumsden called a meeting in the Music Room of the Heys Road School for Boys (now known as”The Heys”) for those interested in forming a youth /social arm for the school.

As a result of the meeting “The Heysians Association” was formed and from that came the football team.

The picture shows the first training session held on the land adjacent to the school on Heys Road, an area that remains a recreation area to this day. The early pioneers are (l-r) K.Humphreys, Alan Bell, Elgar Lumsden, S. Jackson, G.P Childs, G.Kirkpatrick,and C. McNally.

Since their formation, the club have remained an integral part of the fabric of Prestwich, on both a sporting and social level, known for it's welcoming, family atmsophere.

Thank you to all our officials, volunteers, team management, players and supporters, past and present, who have made Heys so special.

To read more about our History visit our website pages here

For more images from our History please see the following galleries here:

Heys: The Early Years

Heys History 1

Heys History 2

Further reading